Trauma and the Aftermath of Coping
Everyone that has suffered from trauma in their lives have different ways of coping. I know that I always thought that I was abnormal because of the way I would react to different things. I hated being scared or startled and I still do, I would constantly look over my shoulder thinking that danger lurked in every corner ready to attack me. I didn't like being around a huge crowd of people because I am so short that people could loose me easily and I was afraid of what could happen if I was left by myself. There was always those "what ifs" that taunted my mind everywhere I went. I was constantly searching for "safe" places and people to surround myself with. The truth is I never really felt safe. I was raped by people I knew and guys that I dated so it made me skeptical of everyone especially men. I went through several different phases of coping with being raped. I was in shock at first and kind of numb, I didn't really think that what happened was...