Dear God, Sometimes You Leave Me Speechless

 Over the past couple of years my life has done a spiritual 180 and my healing from being raped has been on the path to recovery and redemption.  I couldn't have done this without my faith, God has made me so much of a stronger person.  I can't put into words what has been going on and when God has me speechless I stop pray, meditate, and write. I am going to share with you the letter that I wrote to God about how He has changed my life. So please read and take in this letter. It's so personal so real to me and I pray that something in this letter speaks to your heart. 

Dear God,

    I just re read the letter that you wrote with me to my broken 16 yr old self.  You showed me where you were throughout my life.  I want to thank you for the unique way you have showed me your presence.  Our new dance has been beautiful and one I will never forget. You wrapped me in your arms of comfort, you lead me in the box step of redemption. You twirled me around in your love, lifted me up to your grace and dipped me in your mercy. This is one dance I will never get tired of.  You have shown me that I am worthy of your blessings but most of all you showed me an unconditional love I never thought was possible.  You have given me a great confidence in my new identity.  I am no longer letting myself be identified as the broken and abused victim, but a strong woman who is a survivor!  You have shown me that shame is just a trick from the devil to keep me imprisoned by chaos.  When I slip up and let those feelings of shame overcome me I now no longer go straight to the bottle but I look to you for comfort.  You showed me a better way of dealing with my issues and through you my battle depending on the bottle has been won! I can raise my victory flag but I give all of the glory to you!  My heavenly Father your promises to me are true, my heart is never to be broken again because you always carefully mend the pieces back together.  My soul has never leaped so high is such pure and heavenly joy. My eyes have never cried the healing tears they have shed until you shine your light upon me.  You put your hand on my shoulder and I felt a transformation from stubbornness to obedience.  When I fall off your path you pick me up and tell I am forgiven and you love me anyways! " I will exalt you Lord, for you rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me. O' Lord my God, I cried to you for help and you restored my health.  You brought me up from the grave,O'Lord . You kept me  from falling into the pit of death. You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.  You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!"  (Ps 30:1-3,11-12)  God thank you for using me as your vessel to spread the news to others of your healing.  Thank you for connecting me with other survivors so that we can reach out to each other, share our stories with one another, and encourage each other as we heal.  May you reveal yourself to the many other survivors who are broken and feel hopeless.  God please cut into their dance with their chaos and show them your beautiful new dance.  Your dance of comfort, love, redemption, grace and mercy! 

Your humble and forever, faithful servant,

 I want to encourage all of you to write a prayer to God.  Be open, honest and transparent!  If you are lost, broken and are feeling hopeless tell God what you need from Him.  If you need to escape then ask him reveal himself to you and escape into his loving arms. Or if you just want to thank God for his love and comfort I urge you to do so.  If anyone out there is feeling bold I would love it if you would write out your prayer and share it with us. If you would like to just share it with those closest to you I urge you to do that. I know for me it feels better to read it out loud so others can hear what God has done for me.  I truly hope that this prayer encourages you to start your new dance of life!  Let the healing journey begin for you survivors!!! 


  1. Lisa I praise God for taking you from victim to survivor.I love you. Dad

  2. I love this so much!!!! Great job Lisa, and I look forward as always to reading your blog. So uplifting this is....Glory to God!!!

  3. Proud of you! This can definitely help other abuse survivors. Watch for the launch of our newest social help live chat site geared mainly towards a healing platform for victims of all forms of abuse.


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